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Your university done your way!

DIYversity’s vision is to plant the seeds of knowledge to empower everyone everywhere in DIYvers ways.

1 What is DIYversity

DIYversity is an open social community platform for teaching and learning online.

DIYversity provides teachers with free online classrooms to share their courses globally and 24/7. As the name implies teachers can teach any subject as broad as they like and as many as they like for what ever price. DIYversity also provides many free powerful teaching tools and resources such as  Audio and Video Recording and Editing Programs, Repositories for Audio, Video, Images, Text Documents, Math Quizzes, and Exams, Assessing, Automatic Grading and Analytics. With these tools, teachers can get their courses up and running quickly and easily now matter how complex there are and offer their students top-quality engaging courses.

Students benefit from DIYversity’s …

2 Why was DIYversity created?

To bring back Power to You the People Teachers and Students alike.

For years this power has been diluted and repressed by the old standards of the education system that limits the teacher’s and student’s potential and talents to share their knowledge freely and…

At the same time inhibiting students’ potential and talents by of their unique learning capabilities(?)

Knowledge is Power and at DIYversity we want to plant the seeds of knowledge and spread the power to everyone everywhere in many ways. For example, 5% of all student tuition goes to a charity of your / the student’s choice.

3 How does DIYversity work?

DIYversity brings people who want to teach and learn together by providing a place with diverse and powerful teaching and learning tools.

You simply sign in to, create a profile, and if you want to teach you go to your personal virtual classroom and start building your course and we at DIYversity are here to help you along the way with tools and tutorials and a Q & A chat room.

IF you want to learn something. After you are done signing up just go to our database and look for the courses you want to attend.

4 Who is DIYversity for?

If you have a skill you like to share, teach or learn. Anything from rocket science to how to make a paper airplane then DIYvrsity is for you!

Teachers: Profesional Educators,



Home Schooling

what can be offered?
Groups and One-On-One lessons
health and fitness classes
Motivational “Speaking”

DIYversity The University Done Your Way.

COLLECT Curation Free Demo

COLLECT Curation Free Demo

Content curation tool for team collaboration

Team Curation Success Is On Its Way

COLLECT Basic Sign Up

COLLECT Basic Sign Up

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COLLECT your easy and powerful curation success app is on its way

COLLECT Plus Sign Up

COLLECT Plus Sign Up

Thank you for signing up for VIP access to COLLECT Plus. We will contact you soon for a free demo and start your FREE account.

COLLECT your easy and powerful curation success app is on its way



Thank you for signing up for VIP access to COLLECT Pro. We will contact you soon for a free demo and start your FREE account.

COLLECT your easy and powerful curation success app is on its way